

Slaves, Inc.

2100 West Muhammad Ali Blvd.,
Louisville, KY 40212     (502) 939-6688


Norris Shelton's Books:

American Slaves, Inc. has published 14 books, all by businessman Norris Shelton.

The author, an independent entrepreneur, is retired and lives in a rough and tumble, inner-city neighborhood of Louisville, Kentucky. He is a product of the ghetto, but unlike others who too often attain a measure of financial achievement and subsequently flee to the suburbs, scarcely looking back, Shelton returned to his urban roots with a sense of purpose.

“I am determined to give something back to my people,” explains Shelton. “If all of the successful folks up and leave, who is left to provide a positive influence on our youth? I have discovered my ‘sense of place,’ and it is right here on this noisy, turbulent corner within sight of Eddy Alley, where I grew up.”

Shelton's books, all were written to document and share the knowledge he gained during a maddening roller coaster ride in the world of business. To learn about each of these books, or to order copies of you own, please scroll down this web page.


Shelton's most recent books:


“400 Years of Slavery”
 is my fourteenth book.

All books have been written to reconstruct the paper trail of slavery and “reconnect” descendants of American slaves to American slaves.  All books contain uncontaminated knowledge, intelligence that has not been tampered with, or altered by educators. To lead descendants of American slaves to the economic battlefield, black leaders need an action plan, one that is constructed around core-pride.

Core-pride is a GIFT FROM GOD. It is the only remedy strong enough to override the pitiful condition the American salve culture inherited from slavery. America and the American Slave Nation are both built on Four-hundred Years of Slavery.

There is great pride in American slaves being the only offspring culture of America. This book explains that the American slaves must stop being ashamed that we are American slaves. It is not our fault that American slaves were bred to be ignorant: It was against the law for slaves to know how to read and write. Withholding knowledge breeds ignorance. Ignorance is common and widespread among human beings because ignorance is inheritable. We are all ignorant of something. While there is no shame in American slaves being ignorant, there is shame in us remaining ignorant in the midst of intelligence. Four-hundred Years of Slavery brings covered-up intelligence to the table.

Looking at  slavery from an ignorant point of view, one would ask: Why would an American slave want to celebrate four-hundred years of slavery? Slavery hasn’t helped descendants of American slaves…”That is an intelligent question, but an ignorant summation. Slavery is the greatest act to ever happen in America. Without slavery, American slaves wouldn’t have been birthed in America. We are the product that slavery created. This book illustrates that slavery is lying in wait to help descendants of American slaves. Yes, slavery was illegal — but slavery worked! And, we survived!

Thank God for “400 Years of Slavery.”

$28.95 +s/h

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Cotton Comes to America is written to prove that the American slave culture does exist and that they were bred in America to pick cotton during the time when “cotton was king.” Confused black leaders -- who are really American slaves thinking they are African Americans -- demonstrate that most black leaders don’t understand their ethnicity.


The surname, American slaves, is not a part of public record. To “help a people” in an economic society, help must be administered legally, documented properly, and then made public. And that is the problem. American slaves are not logged into America’s paper trail under our identifiable, cultural name. We are misidentified as Africans and therefore misrepresented.


Cotton Comes to America is written to show that America’s tax system is setup so mega corporations that sprang from slavery and the cotton business can get tax breaks for contributing to nonprofit organizations that distribute help to descendants of American slaves.


American slaves’ name being omitted from America’s economic roll call should be considered a “high-crime.” Cultural omission and racial exclusion are the highest forms of racial discrimination in America’s business society. Together, they starve entire cultures to genocide.

    To quote Charles Baudelaire, born in Paris, France, April 9, 1821: “Thegreatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.” To quote Norris Shelton, born in Tallapoosa, Georgia, February 10, 1937: “The greatest trick America ever pulled was convincing the world that the American slave culture doesn’t exist.” America’s trick outdid the devil’s trick by a country-mile. Simply because we can’t see the devil. We see the consequences of the devil’s evilness. America’s trick is greater than the devil’s trick because we see descendants of American slaves all around us every day,  all day — even when we look in a mirror! We interact with American slaves daily — still we don’t believe the American slave culture exist. Devil, you go hide your head in shame.

America stick your chest out and take a bow — you outdid the devil.

Cotton Comes to America
$16.95 +s/h

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White Privilege is "racial discrimination." It extends coast-to-coast, affecting all Americans: whites in a positive way: American slaves in a negative way. Whites have the privilege of knowing their true history. American slaves have been denied knowing our true history. White Americans have the privilege of knowing where and how their culture fits into the human race. White Americans have the privilege of being allowed to think culturally. Whites have the privilege of knowing what is best for their culture, and they know how to get what is best for their culture. American slaves have no idea how to think culturally. Not realizing we are a culture, we don’t have a clue what is best for our culture, nor how to get it. Descendants of American slaves, as a people, have never had the privilege of being allowed to think clearly or collectively.

Whites privilege is one of many impediments that stands in the way descendants of American slaves entering the economic battlefield. When ‘privilege’ become ‘apathetic’ and refuse to take a stand against the injustice of racial discrimination that extends from white privilege, white privilege becomes ‘white-impediment.’ In 1965, Dr. King said: "History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the vitriolic words and other violent actions of the bad people… but the appalling silence and indifference of the good people. Our generation will have to repent for not only the words and acts of the children of darkness… but also for the fears and apathy of the children of light."

Personally, I have nothing against "white privilege" or "black apathy." I do however think they should be counterbalanced by "American slave privilege." $16.95

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Gatekeepers of the America Dream is not written in anger. Neither is this information intended to provoke anger, cause rage, or embarrass the victims of slavery. This book is written with love, both for my people and my country. My intent is to illuminate slavery and provide a straightforward overview of the progression of American slaves, from slavery up until the present. My purpose is to shed some light on gloom and open all Americans’ minds to the light of truth. Only then will we understand that the ‘darkness of slavery’ was the process through which a new people — the American Slaves nation — was born.

This book is written in an effort to shed light on the damage black leaders do to other descendants of American slaves. The author accepts full responsibility for the implications in this document and hopes the reader will understand the necessity of its publication. While many examples referenced by the author are drawn from the city of Louisville, Kentucky, the University of Louisville and other corporations and businesses in the area, this north central Ohio River city and its distinguished institution of higher learning are merely reflective of the black leadership problem spread all across America. $26.95

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Black Leadership Eclipse explains that American slaves were bred in America by white Americans to be slaves — and I want this truth to be known to all generations. This truth can’t be denied and shouldn’t be hushed-up any longer. Just because America doesn’t want to claim the American slave culture as her only offspring culture doesn’t make the parental connection any less prevalent. America gave birth to a humanoid-species and named the people of that species, "slaves." The offspring of the species functioned as slaves. When the Civil War ended, the offspring of American slaves were misidentified and released into a wilderness of ignorance, hate, fear and shame. Without paternal guidance and knowledge of self, we have since sought our rightful identity. We are just now realizing that American slaves were properly identified and appropriately named when America named us what she bred us to be — slaves... How ignorant could we be? We have been searching for an answer that was hidden in plain sight"

"Black Leadership Eclipse" is written to explain why violence, murder and crime is on the rise in "African American" neighborhoods and why cultural ignorance prevails in black communities. The name of the book says it all. Black leadership has eclipsed. Realizing there is no internal leadership in the American slave culture, the author set out on a journey to restore control among his people. "Black Leadership Eclipse" takes us on a journey with American slaves and shows us step-by-step how American Slaves, Inc. is taking control of the American Slave Nation. "Black Leadership Eclipse" should be required reading by every person in America, including immigrants. $28.95

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When we open the American Slave Movement, because of the title, we expect to read a story about the hate, pain and suffering that slavery caused. The author says, "Enough is enough. One hundred and fifty years of wallowing in self-pity, self-shame and misery is really too much. There has to be a better way for descendants of American slaves to live in America."

The author, an incurable optimist, searched until he found a better way. Knowing there are two sides to every coin, he took an unbiased, loving look at slavery through eight-year-old eyes that have gained experience and intelligence. Because of the knowledge he acquired in industry, he is able to explain the ‘other side’ of slavery: the good side.

The American Slave movement takes you on a journey where you will experience an entirely new awareness regarding slavery in America. You will gain intelligence that arouses deep, pent-up feelings, but they are not hostile; they are instead sympathetic and understanding. As we delve into the pages, we wince at the pain of mother American giving birth to a new Nation, but we rejoice knowing the offspring of slavery is God’s gift to America.

The author says, "Slavery is one of the greatest events in the history of America. Unfortunately, we can’t see the greatness of slavery because cultural ignorance is blocking our view. Not realizing that it is descendants of American slaves who are culturally depressed, and not African Americans, America’s administration is allowing racial discrimination to run rampant. Today, discrimination presents itself in the form of visible violence between blacks and whites. Ignorance and discrimination work their way through the courts, the legislatures, and a range of government bureaucracies with little effort and less notice. Discrimination wreaks havoc subtly, almost imperceptibly; too imperceptibly for a nation that only reacts to what it can see and hear. Discrimination is not the Klan. Discrimination doesn’t have to wear sheets, burn crosses or take to the streets. Working the halls of power, discrimination can achieve its ends far more effectively and, because of weak black leadership, descendants of American slaves are none the wiser." $28.95

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From Clone to Crypt is written in an effort to help black leaders understand racial discrimination and know how to recognize cultural bias on sight. Racial discrimination has disguised itself in the twenty-first-century. It is necessary that black leaders become mentally alert, so we can recognize racial discrimination automatically. Just as none of us look like we did in the 50’s and 60’s, racial discrimination doesn’t look like it used to look in the 50’s and 60’s either. Racial discrimination is hampering American slaves even more today than it did in the 50’s and 60’s.

Discrimination has grown up, matured and has gotten smarter. Today, racial discrimination is presented with a broad smile disguised as fair-play. It is implemented first, by devaluating American slaves’ mentality, second by limiting our ability to perform, third by putting black men in prison so they can’t lead black women, and fourth, (as a pacifier for this miscarriage of justice) black women are awarded welfare checks — but only if there are no adult males in the household. Racial discrimination’s smile is just a conniving snarl turned upside-down to make descendants of American slaves’ mistake discrimination for fair play. $28.95

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Louisville Metro Council is a must-read that deals with race relations in Louisville, Kentucky, close-up. "Race relations" Louisville and all over America boils down to descendants of American slaves’ inability to compete against other cultures for America’s economic wealth. Descendants of American slaves are not in the running for America’s wealth. American slaves were never formed into a team, and that is the only way cultures can run in this race.

Descendants of American slaves don’t realize that cultures compete for America’s wealth. Ignorance keeps us from even knowing there is a race. This scenario is just one snippet of the negative aftereffects of slavery. Hiding the facts of slavery and speaking generically about the negative aftereffects of human bondage has not worked. It is time to get up-close and personal.

It took years of research and development, but I finally came up with a plan how to upgrade inner-cities across America. It is called the American Slaves, Inc. renaissance Plan. The cost to implement the plan is negligible. I have asked politicians to introduce the plan to Louisville Metro Council. They refused. When I told them if they didn’t introduce the plan, I would expose them to whites as being stupid slaves, they beat me to the punch and told whites I was stupid that I was bragging I was an American slave and they should steer clear of me and not believe a word I say.

Whites used the misunderstood truth to be apathetic about the seriousness of America’s racial situation. Yes, I am an American slave; and I do brag about it, but whites shouldn’t have taken black leaders’ advice to stay away from me and not believe a word I say. Excluding the one person who uncovered the truth of slavery and searched until he found a way stop the murders and crime in West Louisville ended communication between blacks and whites about a dangerous racial situation. $16.95


The 7th Seal

"America's Little Black Book"
By Norris Shelton

The Seventh Seal is a narration of the evolution of slavery and the continuation of American slaves that make sense. Instead of wallowing in the depression of slavery, it revels in the luxury of understanding slavery.

Race riots and racial violence in America are not America’s real problem. The real problem is the American slave culture is evolving in blind ignorance. Race riots and other racial tidings are "symptoms" of America’s racial problem. Warning signs are alerting us of disaster ahead if things don’t change.

Descendants of American slaves are misidentified in an economic society that relies on proper identification to ensure fair play among its inhalants. Descendants of American slaves who mistakenly think they are "African American" leaders have become the barrier between descendants of American slaves’ inherited ignorance and our being properly educated. Ultimately, white America, the lead culture in America, must voice the truth of slavery and sanction true freedom for descendants of American slaves.

The author has taken the sting out of slavery by accepting that he is an American slave and being proud of his proper identity. He searched until he found the "good side of slavery." He states openly, loudly and proudly that slavery is the greatest happening in American history. He states categorically that the good side of slavery far outweighs the pain of American giving birth to the American slave culture. The truth of slavery is enclosed in the Seventh Seal, and should be required reading by all Americans. Exposing the good side of slavery makes for delightful communication.

Miscommunication abolishes the truth. Misidentification is abolishing the American slave culture. The author has designed a plan to abolish misidentification and miscommunication, which will ultimately abolish the negative aftereffects of slavery. Even though his conclusion will shock you beyond belief; you will immediately recognize the absolute truth in the intelligence that he brings to the table. His revelation regarding past atrocities and prescription for positive change regarding the negative aftereffects of slavery is destined to shatter the chain of ignorance that holds American slaves in perpetual poverty. It will untangle all Americans minds from hazy speculation surrounding slavery in America.

If heeded, The Seventh Seal will end racial upheaval in America and bring perpetual peace to our homeland.

The price is $28.95.
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Shelton's first book:

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 Malignant Indifference to Slave Heritage Continues
To Overshadow the Future of Black Americans

Louisvillian Norris E. Shelton published his first literary work, America’s Little Black Book, in 2005. The book addresses the continuing, troubled journey of the descendants of American slaves. His first work is the result of a personal epiphany, a spiritual flash that radically changed the way Louisville small businessman Shelton, now 71, views his own ethnic identity and that of others who share his heritage.

His conclusions provide a fresh look at the debilitating effects of prejudice and favoritism in the business world — and offer his prescription for change through collective self-realization and action. The birthright of an entire people is at stake.

In Shelton’s own words, I have had a diverse career in pursuing and achieving, to a great degree, the American dream. Several years ago, I began searching for an avenue through which to share what I, a black man, have learned in my climb from poverty to prosperity and personal success.

“Since there is so much unrest in our inner cities, and because the prognosis is so bleak for a majority of our inner-city people, I spent almost a decade studying the causes and formulating a proposed cure for this persistent, debilitating condition. The truth: We have a dearth of leadership. Our so-called, largely self-anointed ‘black leaders’ are adrift because of a basic flaw: They don’t seem to comprehend — or are unwilling to admit — our true heritage as descendants of American slaves.”  Shelton shares his own racial awakening, and his frank observations are presented in America’s Little Black Book.

I am an American, born and bred, but, like millions of others, I have had to deal with undeserved discrimination in America — our own land!” laments Shelton. “Much of our people’s plight can be traced to our being unwilling or unable to truly appreciate and embrace our own unique heritage.

It is not a benign neglect: Rather, Americans have developed a malignant indifference toward the inherited injustices that stem from slavery, even though the lingering aftereffects still plague our homeland today. I am a second-class citizen in my own country — the land of the free!”

Shelton believes a fresh perspective on racial issues could help pave the way for the advancement of an entire nation of abused people. His fondest hope is that his book could provide momentum for the descendants of American slaves in achieving, “a revitalization of our quest for true freedom, a renewal of the dream of an entire people!”

Printed in Louisville, the 328-page book is published under the auspices of American Slaves, Inc., an organization whose mission is to facilitate the efforts of the descendants of American slaves to overcome the persistent aftereffects of slavery by educating the descendants of slaves as to who they are and the benefits of being who they are. America’s Little Black Book is available in paperback (ISBN: 0-9765417-1-8), at $16.95, as well as in hard cover (ISBN: 0-9765417-0-X), at $26.95.

In the Louisville area, the book can be found in select bookstores, including Borders Books & Music, Carmichael’s Bookstore, A Reader’s Corner and Brownsboro Books. Or, simply order online by clicking one of the two Buy Now buttons below (paperback or hard cover):

 # # # 

America's Little Black Book
by Norris Shelton

America's Little Black Book
(paperback for 16.95 plus S/H)


Or select:

America's Little Black Book
(hard cover for $26.95 plus S/H)



Shelton's second book:


Alley Rat

Roaming the Back Side of the Streets


"Alley Rat" reminds us of the deep human need for a sense of place ...

... no matter how dire the circumstances.

“The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them,” wrote Henry David Thoreau in “Walden.” There are others, however, who virtually scream aloud as they speed down life’s emergency lane, oblivious as to where they are headed, but in a reckless, all-fired hurry to get there, all the same. Most of us, comfortably or not, fall somewhere in between, but Norris Shelton is a genuine screamer. “Alley Rat” is his story.

Born in Tallapoosa, Georgia, in the late ’30s, the author was part of a large colored family. His parents were poor and uneducated yet convinced there were better times ahead and were determined to seek a better life for their brood. To break away from the insufferable conditions they live under in the Deep South, the family stealthily flees their rural subsistence in search of a quite modest American dream: to live and let live. As migrants often do, the Sheltons gravitate to the back streets of the slums, not by choice, but because that’s where they find the only affordable housing for the almost penniless clan. Yes, there will be much more opportunity in the city of Louisville, Kentucky — a real chance for success, but also for collapse.

Inheriting a legacy of poverty and perplexity, and often on the wrong side of the law, the author, a self-proclaimed alley rat, starts out not believing in much of anything; he has little hope for a bright future, and, predictably, stumbles into and out of trouble, at home and abroad.

At the age of 16, the streetwise young maverick is already a two-fisted, hard drinking skirt chaser. Violence and mayhem have become the norm in his daily life in the city. Cursed with a violent temper, one night he has a fit of anger, breaks his girlfriend’s neck, and takes flight out of state, evading a warrant for attempted murder. It’s the beginning of a marathon run that has him continually glancing over his shoulder.


Living under cover with the police never far behind, eventually he evades civilian authorities by enlisting in the Army. For more than two years, he blunders into and out of trouble, loan-sharking, bootlegging, getting into fistfights, going AWOL, drinking too much, and raising all kinds of off-duty hell. At his post, though, he is the model enlistee, emerging as a highly-skilled American soldier. He learns to love the Army, but the Army views him as a seething, die-hard rebel.


During a tour overseas, he initiates an escapade he deems to be a just crusade for racial equality: He instigates a race riot that results in all military personnel throughout Germany being restricted to base for weeks. When restrictions are ultimately lifted, Shelton and his sidekick — still under suspicion for being ring leaders of the turmoil — are denied passes. Defiant and emboldened, they go AWOL and start an altercation that escalates into pandemonium and leads to a nightclub being burned down. Both cool their heels a long spell in the stockade. Ultimately, even the Army has had enough and drums him out with a court-martial. While this run is over, an old chase resumes.


Back in civilian life in his hometown, the author begins singing for a local band in popular Louisville area bars. Now in the spotlight, he is surrounded by women, and the chase is on again — but with a mind-boggling twist: Forever the aggressor, he discovers he’s now the prey! Becoming the hunted, not the hunter, he learns, is a startling role reversal. Nonetheless, it’s a wake-up call that leads him to taking time for introspection.


As the story rumbles along, Shelton experiences an epiphany about his “Alley Rat” mentality. In due course, he is arrested on the long-standing, attempted murder charges. Has he come full circle, or is this just another of the countless laps of the extended rat race? To fully understand what the author sees when, at long last, he takes a profound personal look in the mirror, we need to jog alongside this intractable runner as he retraces his life through the pages of “Alley Rat.”

Alley Rat” is the second literary work by Louisville businessman/author Norris E. Shelton. Released in 2007, the 376-page book is published under the auspices of American Slaves, Inc., an organization whose mission is to facilitate the efforts of the descendants of American slaves to overcome the persistent aftereffects of slavery by educating the descendants of slaves as to who they are and the benefits of being who they are.

Alley Rat” is available in hard cover (ISBN: 978-0-9765417-2-1) at $26.95. Ask for it at your local bookstore, or call (502) 939-6688
to order a copy. Or, simply order online by clicking the Buy Now button below:



TThird book:



Crabs in a Barrel

The Rise and fall of a Certified "Minority"

 When sports teams “take one on the chin,” the coach usually terms it an educational experience and vows the team will “learn from our mistakes.” Author Norris Shelton knows the humbling experience of costly mistakes all too well, for his story herein is no glib tale of a smooth and steady rise to the pinnacle of the business world. Rather, time and again, this aspiring black businessman climbed high up the ladder of success, only to lose his foothold and slide all the way down again — bumping his chin on each and every lower rung.

As we delve into the pages of Crabs in a Barrel, we wince at his pain when the hurdles are too high, and he falls face down. Real estate brokers laugh in his face; bankers rebuff him; government officials are deceiving; contractors abscond with precious capital, and business partners undercut and even swindle him. Kickbacks, bribery and other forms of corruption and treachery are facts of life. While government “minority” funds promise salvation, devilish strings are always attached. Yet, despite the treachery and deceitfulness of strangers, it is his closest friends and associates who continually trip up this resolute entrepreneur. Now 71 and reflecting on his checkered career, the Louisville, Kentucky, businessman jokingly claims his early business tenure “serves as a warning to others.” But what the once naïve entrepreneur lacked in ingenuity and training, he made up for with gritty resolve and, yes, he did learn from his youthful blunders and misplaced trust. 

“It others can learn from my mistakes,” says Shelton, “then sharing the lowest moments of my business nightmares can be a positive contribution to my brethren who consider entering the business arena. Looking back, I was building sand castles on the beach, and the tide just swept them away. I learned the hard way; now I want to spare other descendants of slaves — my people —that same plight.”  

Crabs in a Barrel should be required reading, not only for slave descendants and other minorities, but all of those — associates and competitors, advisors and investors, regulators and officials — who have an impact on those who venture to take a chance by chasing the American dream.   

Crabs in a Barrel, a 284-page work, is a hardback, published in February 2008 by American Slaves, Inc. The ISBN Number is 978-0-9765417-4-5. It lists for $26.95.


Fourth book:



Black Name, White Game

While having published three other books, businessman/author Norris Shelton maintains, “This is truly what I set out to write about, all along. It centers on a wake-up call I experienced. It took me a lifetime to discover the truth, and I am eager to spread the word.” Black Name, White Game is the gospel according to Norris Shelton.

In essence, Black Name, White Game has a two-pronged message. “In my own lifetime, we’ve been called Colored, Negro, Black and, lately, African American,” notes Shelton, “not to speak of the many disparaging names. Dual-national labels are usually reserved for first-generation American immigrants, whose American-born children typically cast aside the moniker and simply blend in.

The ‘great melting pot’ has its shortcomings. My ancestors were slaves, born and bred in America for generations, yet my people have an ethnic qualifier in our collective designation. Will my great granddaughter still be an ‘African American’ as an adult, or will our ethnic name change still again? How long must we wait to be full-fledged Americans? We trace our family origin to rural Georgia, not another continent. We are born and bred Americans — many generations strong and counting.

”Inspired by the teachings of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in the late 1960s that the next phase in the march for civil rights must entail strides on the “economic battlefield,” Shelton, unschooled, underfunded and ill-prepared, felt compelled to enter the business arena, though it was clearly a white game. “When an Army takes a hill, it’s the foot soldiers, ready or not, who lead the charge.”

Far from taking the business world by storm, Shelton was, at every turn “harshly ridiculed, boldly insulted, openly disrespected, rudely rebuffed and often shown the door.” Much to his surprise, like Walt Kelly’s cartoon character Pogo, who declared, “We Have Met the Enemy — and He is Us,” Shelton discovered that his worst enemies were those perceived to be his friends. “I expected the white establishment to be a hard sell, but to be picked clean by my own brethren?” He pressed on regardless. We can all learn from his mistakes as he recounts the highs and lows of an independent businessman in Black Name, White Game.

“Our mission is clear: If my people, the descendants of American slaves, are ever to achieve first-class status in the pursuit of the American Dream, we must level the economic playing field. We must bridge the economic divide. For too long, it’s been a preponderantly white game. The ‘devil is in the details,’ but we must persist, ill-equipped and unprepared though our people may be. Our marching days may be behind us, but we still have a struggle to establish an equal opportunity society in this nation. The need for economic progress is paramount. It’s time for taking care of business.”

Black Name, White Game, a 208-page work, is a hardback, published in July 2008 by American Slaves, Inc. The ISBN Number is 978-0-9765417-5-2. It lists for $26.95.


Fifth book:


American Slaves Inc. Renaissance Plan
The Next Step Forward

By Norris Shelton

   The aftereffects of slavery have been growing in America since the end of corporal slavery. This unstable influence is seemingly encouraged to fester unimpeded. Because of misplaced shame, openly discussing slavery
is painful to many and a taboo topic even in circles where dialogue is necessary to ensure the stability of our country. If allowed to worsen, simmering racial discontentment could turn into a crisis.

It is the goal of American Slaves, Inc. to help remedy the situation and work to ensure a peaceful coexistence between Descendants of American Slaves and other American cultures. Here's our plan:



American Slaves, Inc. is proud to present our ground-breaking
Renaissance Plan.
Printed in Louisville, the 101-page book was written by Norris Shelton (right) and is published under the auspices of American Slaves, Inc., an organization whose mission is to facilitate the efforts of the descendants of American slaves to overcome the persistent aftereffects of slavery by educating the descendants of slaves as to who they are and the benefits of being who they are.

American Slaves Inc. Renaissance Plan, The Next Step Forward is available in paperback (ISBN: 978-0-9765417-6-9), at $11.95, but you can order right it here for a mere $10.00.