American Slaves, Inc. Membership


To become an official member of American Slaves, Inc fill out the form below, including uploading your picture, submit the information and payment and we will accept your membership and send you an official American Slaves, Inc, ID Card with the information you provide.

History will record that 2020 is the year we started our membership drive. Every Descendant of American Slaves, Black, White, Immigrants who help in this effort should register immediately. Reparations for slavery will go to those ‘who make it happen’ no matter your Nationality. Be among the first of those who helped ‘make it happen’. Support the American Slave Movement. All efforts support Descendants of American slaves and the American Slaves, Inc. Renaissance Plan. Make sure your name is on ASI’ membership list when reparations for slavery becomes available. RECEIVE… 1) America’s Little Black Book 2) American Slaves, Inc. Renaissance Plan 3) Official ASI Photo ID Card 4) 1 Year Membership

  • Date Format: MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, gif, png, pdf.
    Please provide a high resolution picture of yourself with an uncluttered background to use on your ASI Membership ID Card. Please limit file size to 3mb. and format in either .jpg or .png. You may also complete this form and send a picture to

American Slaves, Inc., a 501(c)(3) nonprofit Kentucky organization, incorporated July 3, 2001, is to link descendants of American slaves to true social and economic independence.

Our mission is to educate, empower and enlighten America on the plight and promise of the descendants of American slaves while creating strategies that identify true emancipation from government dependency.

Membership is $100. Fill out the form above, including uploading your picture, submit the information and payment and we will accept your membership and send you an official American Slaves, Inc, ID Card.


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