Our Prime Minister Dr. Gerald A. Higginbotham

Gerald A. Higginbotham

Dr. Gerald A. Higginbotham is an author; educator; speaker; entrepreneur; community activist, airline pilot of 32 years and Captain for American Airlines; Currently Prime Minister of the American Slave Nation. He serve as the CEO/President of Captain’s Millionaires, Inc., an alternative education companies committed to creating one million millionaires in America. He has served as Executive Director of Unity for a Better Community, a not-for-profit community-building and life-skills training company.
He holds a certificate from the Joseph School of Business Entrepreneurship; diplomas from Light Bible College and Power Learning Systems (Information Age Development); a BA in Psychology from California State University, Northridge; and a Ph. D. in Biblical Studies and Divinity from the Jesus of Nazareth Church Ministries.
At seven years old, Dr. Gerald witnessed the Watts riot in his own back yard. He overcame seemingly insurmountable odds to get a college degree and fulfill a childhood dream of becoming a commercial airline pilot. These early experiences influenced his companies’ collective mission: to unite people in networks that set the framework for empowered communities.
In 2001, Dr. Gerald founded Unity 4 A Better Community (U4ABC), a 501 (c)(3) organization aimed at effectively engaging adults and youth in a process that improves their economic and social status within their respective communities. Through this organization Dr. Gerald presented Financial Literacy training to adults and high school students throughout the St. Louis region. In East St. Louis, Illinois he opened a Farmers Market and operated a family style restaurant that employed local citizens.
In 2015 Dr. Gerald joined the American Slaves Inc. (ASI), a non-profit organization, as a senior officer. His aim was to provide information and education to Descendants of American Slaves that could address Institutional Racism and could also mitigate other barriers to equal access to opportunities despite written policy and laws. In this role Dr. Gerald travelled extensively, building coalitions among representatives of other countries. He met with the Deputy Mayors of both Liverpool England and Sydney Australia, providing both with an ASI flag and securing a commitment to pursue avenues for working collaboratively. During his tenure at ASI, the organization was also recognized at an event at the United Nations. 
Dr. Gerald is also a John Maxwell Certified Coach, Teacher and Speaker. He offers workshops, seminars, keynote speaking, and coaching through study and practical application of John’s proven leadership methods. He has authored several books: Collaboration, Teamwork and Networking (editions One and Two), and This is Your Captain Speaking.
He lives in Southern California with his wife Marcia. They have two adult sons, both college graduates.