Papa John American Slaves Champion


White Ecomomist Saves Descendants of American Slaves…



This book is a nationwide, public proposal for John Hampton Schnatter (Papa John) to lead descendants of American slaves to the economic battlefield that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. told American slaves to go to when they were misidentified as Negroes. Colonel James Halvatgis, ASI’s 1st Vice President, chose John Schnatter to lead descendants of American slaves when John Schnatter said the word “nigger’ during an internal sensitivity-training  conference call. Papa John claimed that Colonel Sanders had used the word “nigger” without backlash and, assuming if Colonel Sanders could use the word “nigger,” it was okay for him to use the word “nigger.” 

Black people use the word “nigger” as an “affectionate” term… 

My name is Norris Shelton. I am the “President of American Slaves, Inc.,” the 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization that represent descendants of American slaves, aka (affectionally known as) “niggers.” I am going to give John Hampton Schnatter the benefit of doubt. I believe when John Schnatter used the word “nigger,” he was showing his affection for descendants of American slaves. Calling descendants of American slaves “African Americans” is the same as calling them “niggers.” Both names misidentify American slaves. Since John Schnatter showed his affection for descendants of American slaves when he used the N-word, he is being “drafted” (chosen) to lead the American Slave Nation in its effort to secure reparations for slavery for descendants of American slaves. No matter what descendants of American slaves are called, reparations for slavery must be paid to the right people. The right people are American slaves. 

American slaves are not African Americans, niggers, nor black people, or any of those other misleading names we are often called. This book is written to solicit “Papa John’s” help leading a people who have been misidentified as “colored people,” “black people,” “niggers,” jiggerboos,” “coons,” “African Americans” and there is no telling what else they might be called in the future. John Hampton Schnatter (Papa John) is being drafted (chosen) to lead descendants of American slaves to America’s economic battlefield that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. told American slaves to go to when they were misidentified as “Negroes.” 


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