This book is written to start a realistic relationship between America’s black and white cultures and initiate an American Slaves Family Reunion. The America Slave Nation is a divided nation within a divided nation. Lies, deception, hate and misplaced shame from slavery comprise the divide that keeps the white and black cultures from living in harmony. During the Covid-19 pandemic, racial differences became even more strained and very unstable.
Cultural disharmony is the “norm” in America, but that is about to change. As we move into the year-2021, we should expect excitement, happiness and harmony in equal spades. Covid-19 is casting a vibration throughout the universe telling Americans to come together. It is vital that descendants of American slaves align with white America’s future expectations and whites align with American slaves’ hopes and aspirations. If black leaders are able to digest the intelligence in this book and white leaders are willing to work with black leaders for a common cause, we can bring lasting peace to America. This window of collaborative opportunity won’t be open long. It opened in 2001 — but is closing fast.
At this phase of the American Slave Movement, descendants of American slaves’ weakness, which is ignorance, will be exposed and they will be vulnerable. Openness and complete honesty will pay tremendous dividends in the near future. America, our mother country cares for American slaves; she just doesn’t know how to show it. It is ASI’s responsibility to show our mother country how to care for her only offspring culture.
America is mistreating American slaves because she doesn’t know any better. Our “mother”-country doesn’t know she has an offspring culture that is being abused. This book is written to let America know blacks and whites must come together. The best way to bring our two cultures together is have an American Slaves Family Reunion, invite whites and formally introduce America to her only (begotten) offspring culture. We are descendants of American slaves. Our foreparents were bred in America by whites…
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