Showing all 26 results
American Descendants of Slavery “DUD Organization” of the Millenium
This book is written to point out that ADOS is the principal organization that is interfering with the American slave culture reaching economic freedom. It explains that ADOS, an acronym taken from “descendants of American slaves” is hindering descendants of American slaves from entering the economic battlefield that DR. Martin Luther King, Jr. told American slaves to go when they were misidentified as Negroes…
$19.95 -
African American Oxymoron
Leading Ignorant Slaves Is A Lonely Job America has only seven "American slave" billionaires
$19.95 -
American Slaves Brain Scan
Inbred ignorance is causing the American Slave Nation to suffer economic starvation … Economic starvation leads to cultural genocide… Economic infusion is needed to stop the genocide of descendants of American slaves…
$19.95 -
American Slaves Family Reunion
Celebrating slavery, the Civil War and American slaves…
This book is written to let America know blacks and whites must come together. The best way to bring our two cultures together is have an American Slaves Family Reunion, invite whites and formally introduce America to her only (begotten) offspring culture. We are descendants of American slaves. Our foreparents were bred in America by whites… $19.95 -
COVID-19 Windfall
American Slaves' Birthright
$16.95 -
Miseducation of the Slave Nation
(Godly Truth is not Shameful Truth)
$19.95 -
Papa John American Slaves Champion
White Ecomomist Saves Descendants of American Slaves…
$19.95 -
Spiritual Enslavement of the American Slave Nation
A continuing discourse about the birthright of America’s only begotten offspring culture
$19.95 -
The High-Cost of Teaching Ignorance
Black Educators Must Learn The Art of "Independent Thinking..."
$19.95 -
The Wait Is Over
This American Slave History Book #26 presents a detailed exploration of slavery's historical roots and its enduring impact on American society.
$19.95 -
America’s Little Black Book
Narrates the birth of the American slave culture. by Norris Shelton
$16.95 – $26.95 -
Alley Rat
Recounts Norris Shelton’s younger years growing up in Eddy Allery as a hell-raiser. by Norris Shelton
$16.95 -
Crabs in a Barrel
Should be required reading for those who chase of the American dream. By Norris Shelton
$16.95 -
Black Name, White Game
Details Norris Shelton’s cultural awakening and earthly mission. By Norris Shelton
$16.95 -
Gatekeepers of the American Dream
Sheds light on ignorant black leaders. By Norris Shelton
$16.95 -
American Slaves, Inc. Renaissance Plan
The plan that will raise the American slave culture from depression and ignorance and restore them to intelligence and profitability. By Norris Shelton
$10.00 -
The 7th Seal
Explains what the future holds for America and the slaves that America bred. By Norris Shelton
$28.95 -
American Slave Movement In Real Time
Explains that slavery is the greatest event in American History. By Norris Shelton
$16.95 -
From Clone To Crypt
Explains racial discrimination from its core existence. By Norris Shelton
$16.95 -
Black Leadership Eclipse
Explains that black leaders are ignorant and inadequate. By Norris Shelton
$16.95 -
White Privilege White Apathy White Ignorance
Affects whites and slaves; whites in a positive way; slaves in a negative way. By Norris Shelton
$16.95 -
Louisville Metro Council
Exposes racial discrimination in Louisville’s Administration. By Norris Shelton
$16.95 -
Cotton Comes to America
Explains the mechanics of American slaves making “cotton king.” By Norris Shelton
$16.95 -
400 Years of Slavery
Commemorates four-hundred years of slavery in America. By Norris Shelton
$16.95 -
PhD in the Ghetto
Explains that black educators are miseducating the American Slave Nation. By Norris Shelton
$16.95 -
American Slave History 101
Explains how to make reparations for slavery work for slave and master. By Norris Shelton